By Sara Mosier

	unravel us both with
	the rising of
	the sun
fooled again
	by hurried voices
gone by daybreak.
	“We cannot be saved” you whispered in my hair
when the light exposed
	the freckles on your spine
you’re here only
	in memory
	I’ll keep my favorite
parts of you
in crystal jars of dried
	lavender by the door
where you left me
until the night returns

Sara A. Mosier is a Nebraska author and poet. She has poetry and photographs published in several issues of Laurus Magazine, an undergraduate magazine at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her collection of Midwestern themed poetry is published in University of Nebraska Press’s 75th Anniversary edition of “Voices of Nebraska”. Her queer romantic short stories “Sparkling Human Conundrum” and “Summer Dilemma” can be found in the anthologies Love Dust and Salty Tales on Amazon, as well as other LGBTQ short stories and poetry in the anthologies “Untamed”, “Merrow”, and “Songs of The Rainbow” by United Faedom Publishing and “Fear and Fables”, “Sea Hearts Glass”, and “Fated” by Stormy Island Publishing. She has also released a book of poetry titled Unfettered: A Collection of Poetry available as well on Amazon.